permacode.publish Store Local Code and Get Hashes

Author: Boaz Rosenan  (
Date: 17 March 2017
Version: 0.1.1-SNAPSHOT

1    build-plan: Sorts Files by Dependencies

For the examples in this section we create a few dummy source files using this function:

(defn create-example-file [name content]
  (with-open [file (io/writer name)]
    (doseq [expr content]
      (.write file (pr-str expr)))
    (io/file name)))

(def example-dir "/tmp/permacode.publish/example")
(.mkdirs (io/file example-dir))
(def foo (create-example-file (str example-dir "/foo.clj")
                                  (:require [permacode.core :as perm]))

(def bar (create-example-file (str example-dir "/bar.clj")
                                  (:require [permacode.core :as perm])
                                  (:require []))

(def baz (create-example-file (str example-dir "/baz.clj")
                              '[(ns example.baz
                                  (:require [permacode.core :as perm])
                                  (:require []))

Given these files, build-plan should return these files in order of their dependencies.

(build-plan [baz foo bar]) => [foo bar baz]

In case of an unmet dependency, a proper error message is presented.

(build-plan [bar baz]) => (throws "Unmet dependency:")

Supported namespaces (permacode.validate/white-listed-ns) are ignored.

(def foo2 (create-example-file (str example-dir "/foo2.clj")
                               '[(ns example.foo2
                                   (:require [permacode.core :as perm])
                                   (:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(build-plan [foo2]) => [foo2]

Additionally, permacode hashes are also ignored.

(def foo3 (create-example-file (str example-dir "/foo3.clj")
                               '[(ns example.foo3
                                   (:require [permacode.core :as perm])
                                   (:require [perm.FOOBARBAZQUUX]))
(build-plan [foo3]) => [foo3]

1.1    Under the Hood

The helper function get-ns takes a file object and returns its first expression. For example:

(get-ns bar) => '(ns
                  (:require [permacode.core :as perm])
                  (:require []))

2    hash-file: Hash a Source File

Now that we have our sorted list of files we can go one-by-one and hash it.

(def hasher (hasher/nippy-multi-hasher (hasher/atom-store)))

For this, we start with a map containing the hash codes for all the modules we already traversed, a file object we wish to hash, and a hasher pair to hash it with. The function returns a hash code for the current file.

(def foo-hash (hash-file hasher foo {}))
 foo-hash => 'perm.QmUE7gsLyEKiKxzVkytFzy7jVkMu3LiSSecAMX9ax8nd82
 (let [[hash unhash] hasher]
 (unhash (-> foo-hash str (str/replace-first "perm." "")))
 => '[(ns
        (:require [permacode.core :as perm]))

When a module has dependencies, the ns expression at its head is modified to reflect these dependencies.

(def bar-hash (hash-file hasher bar {' foo-hash}))
(let [[hash unhash] hasher]
 (unhash (-> bar-hash str (str/replace-first "perm." "")))
 => '[(ns
        (:require [permacode.core :as perm])
        (:require [perm.QmUE7gsLyEKiKxzVkytFzy7jVkMu3LiSSecAMX9ax8nd82]))

We add a perm. to the hash to mark it as a permacode hash.
Later, when we validate a module, we allow it to require any module starting with this prefix. For this reason it is highly important that software projects that use permacode do not name any modules perm.*.

To help detect problems early, source files are validated before being hashed.

(def bar2 (create-example-file (str example-dir "/bar2.clj")
                              '[(ns example.bar2
                                  (:require [perm.FOOBARBAZQUUX]))
 (hash-file hasher bar2 {}) => (throws "Expression (some-thing-not-in-pure) must be wrapped in a pure macro")
 (.delete (io/file example-dir "bar2.clj"))

3    hash-all: Putting it All Together

The complete process of hashing starts with a directory (as a file object). hash-all performs the following:

  1. Finds all .clj files in that directory (recursively).
  2. Sorts them (by calling build-plan) according to dependencies.
  3. Hashes each file, replacing dependencies with hashes as needed.

The return value is a map from namespace to corresponding hash.

(def ns-hash
 (hash-all hasher (io/file example-dir)))

 (ns-hash ' => 'perm.QmUE7gsLyEKiKxzVkytFzy7jVkMu3LiSSecAMX9ax8nd82
 (ns-hash ' => 'perm.QmRZsYU3VdnLG2za1xRGysZZbPpdHN5jm2n7a3VpQvUsCY

hash-all avoids source files that are already hashes. These have a perm. prefix, and are brought to a project using lein permacode deps.

(def perm-dir (io/file example-dir "perm"))
 (.mkdirs perm-dir)
 (def perm-foo (create-example-file (str perm-dir "/SOMEHASH.clj")
                                  '[(ns perm.SOMEHASH
                                      (:require [permacode.core]))
 (def ns-hash
 (hash-all hasher (io/file example-dir)))
 (ns-hash 'perm.SOMEHASH) => nil