permacode.hasher Content Addressable Storage

Author: Boaz Rosenan  (
Date: 17 March 2017
Version: 0.1.1-SNAPSHOT

1    Introduction

A hasher-pair is a pair [hasher, unhasher] of functions, where hasher is a functions that converts s-expressions into a hash-code, and unhasher is a function that converts hash codes back into s-expressions.

For that to work, the hasher function needs to store the s-expression as a side-effect, so that the unhasher function would be able to retrieve it.

Three components are at play when hashing and unhashing expressions:

  1. A serializer/deserializer pair. Standard choices for Clojure can be EDN or Nippy.
  2. A hash function. The multihash project gives a versatile and compatible solution.
  3. Persistent storage.

2    hasher-pair: Construct a Hasher Pair

To construct a hasher-pair, one must supply:

  1. A serializer/deserializer pair
  2. A hash function (binary array -> hash string)
  3. A store/retrieve pair.

For the examples below we use the following mock functions:

(defn mock-ser [expr]
  [:ser expr])
(defn mock-deser [bin]
  [:deser bin])
(def last-stored (atom nil))
(defn mock-store [hash bin]
  (reset! last-stored [hash bin]))
(defn mock-retr [hash]
  [:retr hash])
(defn mock-hash [bin]
  [:hash bin])
(defn mock-unhash [hash])

(def hpair (hasher-pair [mock-ser mock-deser] mock-hash [mock-store mock-retr]))
hpair => vector?

The hasher serializes the s-expression and then calls the hash function on it

(let [hasher (first hpair)]
 (hasher :some-s-expr) => [:hash [:ser :some-s-expr]])

As side-effect, hashing stores the serialized content under the hash.

@last-stored => [[:hash [:ser :some-s-expr]] [:ser :some-s-expr]]

The unhasher retrieves the content by its hash an de-serializes it.

(let [unhasher (second hpair)]
 (unhasher "abc") => [:deser [:retr "abc"]])

3    nippy-multi-hasher: Hasher Based on Multihash and Nippy

To fix some of the variables and create a standard way to hash expressions we use an ipfs-compatible has (using the multihash project), and nippy-based serialization.

(let [[hasher unhasher] (nippy-multi-hasher [mock-store mock-retr])]
 (hasher ..expr..) => ..hashcode..
  (nippy/freeze ..expr.. nil) => ..bin..
  (digest/sha2-256 ..bin..) => ..mhash..
  (multihash/base58 ..mhash..) => ..hashcode..)
 @last-stored => [..hashcode.. ..bin..]
 (unhasher ..hashcode..) => ..expr..
  (nippy/thaw [:retr ..hashcode..] nil) => ..expr..))

4    file-store: Store content into local files

A real-life application will probably store hashed expressions to some networked storage like Amazon's S3. We provide here storage that uses local files.

The function file-store receives a path to a directory in which it assumes the current process has read and write permissions. This is the repo directory, where all objects are to be stored.

(def repo (str "/tmp/file-store-repo" (rand-int 1000000)))
(.mkdirs ( repo)) ; Create the directory if it does not exist

It returns a [store retr] pair, accepted by hasher-pair and nippy-multi-hasher.

(let [[store retr] (file-store repo)]
 (store "abcd" (.getBytes "foo bar" "UTF-8")) => nil
 ; A file is created
 (.exists ( (str repo "/abcd"))) => true
 (-> (str repo "/abcd") slurp-bytes (String. "UTF-8")) => "foo bar"
 ; This is basically what retr does...
 (-> "abcd" retr (String. "UTF-8")) => "foo bar")

5    atom-store: Store Inside an Atom

For testing it is often convenient to store hashed content in-memory. atom-store uses an atom for that.

(let [[store retr] (atom-store)]
 (store "abcd" (.getBytes "foo bar" "UTF-8")) => nil
 (-> "abcd" retr (String. "UTF-8")) => "foo bar")

6    Integration

Let's create a nippy-multi-hasher pair that uses local files for storage.

(def hpair (nippy-multi-hasher (file-store repo)))

Now let's hash 100 values into it.

(def hashes (let [hasher (first hpair)]
              (into {} (for [x (range 100)]
                         [x (hasher {:number x
                                     :double (* 2 x)})]))))

Now we retrieve each value and check it.

(let [unhasher (second hpair)]
 (doseq [[key hash] hashes]
   (unhasher hash) => {:number key
                       :double (* 2 key)}))