Just like the term permalink refers to a URL that will always link to the same content, permacode refers to code that will always behave the same way.
There are a few challenges in acheiving this in general code:
) will give different results when the state of the world changes.Making permacode possible in the context of Clojure is a two-step process. First, we need to extract the purely-functional core of Clojure, to avoid the first to issues. Purely-functional code is not affected by the outer world and does not affect it, guaranteeing that the same code will always run the same way. To address the second problem we add content addressing to replace Clojure's module system.
permacode attempts to create a purely-functional dialect of Clojure. This is a stripped-down Clojure, with only the purely-functional parts, including:
, loop
, if
library functions and macros, as well asclojure.string
, clojure.set
and potentially other pure libraries.It does not include:
The term content addressing means that some objects (in our case, permacode modules) are addressed by their content, as opposed to addressing them by name, which is the way Clojure works by default.
In Clojure, a :require
clause states a name of a module, relative to the classpath of the containing project. This has two problems as far as permacode is concerned. First, it relies on the concept of a project, so in two different projects there could be a different module with the same name. Second, while a name is stated explicitly, the version is not. It is stated in the project description, but that could just as well be a SNAPSHOT
version, which is not a version at all.
In Permacode, we would like code artifacts to be explicitly stated. Content addressing allows us to do that, because instead of referring to modules by their names, we refer to them by their content.
Someone reading these lines could think, what is the point of having modules in the first place, if we refer to them by their content, that is, including them instead if :require
ing them? Well, the answer is that we do not include one module in another, we just use a cryptographic hash over its content as its name. This is similar to how git represents objects like directories and commits. A directory in git is merely a list of hash codes for versions of underlying files and sub-dirs. A commit contains the hash code of the root directory at the time of the commit. This data structure is called a Merkle Tree.
To support this, we use an abstraction of a hasher, some data-store that can either hash an s-expression (serialize, hash and store its content, returning the hash code), and unhash a hash-code (retrieve from the data-store, de-serialize and return the s-expression).
With such a hasher in place we can:
A permacode module should be wrapped in a permacode.core/pure
macro. This macro validates the underlying code under the module's own namespace. Validation involves macro expansion, and macros are expanded based on how they are defined relative to that module.
A valid set of definitions evaluates to a do
block with the same content.
(defn foo [x y]
(+ x y))
(defn bar [x y]
(* x y)))
=expands-to=> (do
(defn foo [x y]
(+ x y))
(defn bar [x y]
(* x y)))
For definitions that use disallowed symbols pure
throws an exception during macro expansion.
(macroexpand '(pure
(def some-atom (atom 0))))
=> (throws "symbols #{atom} are not allowed")
Allowed symbols should be available unqualified or fully-qualified.
(def x (+ 1 2))
(def y (clojure.core/+ 2 3)))
=expands-to=> (do
(def x (+ 1 2))
(def y (clojure.core/+ 2 3)))
Some namespaces, such as clojure.string
and clojure.set
are white-listed, and all their publics are allowed.
(def x (clojure.string/join ", " (clojure.set/union #{1 2} #{3}))))
When namespaces are aliased (like clojure.string
is aliased to string
in this file), symbols referring to the alias are also allowed.
(def x (string/join ", " (set/union #{1 2} #{3}))))
The following is a usage example coming from cloudlog.clj. It is supposed to be all pure, so it's a good test case...
(declare generate-rule-func)
(defmulti propagate-symbols (fn [cond symbols] (first cond)) :default :no-bindings)
(defmethod propagate-symbols :no-bindings [cond symbols]
(defn binding-symbols [bindings cond]
(symbols/symbols (map bindings (range 0 (count bindings) 2))))
(defmethod propagate-symbols 'let [cond symbols]
(set/union symbols (binding-symbols (second cond) cond)))
(defmethod propagate-symbols 'for [cond symbols]
(set/union symbols (binding-symbols (second cond) cond)))
(defmulti process-conds (fn [conds symbols] (class (first conds))))
; fact
(defmethod process-conds clojure.lang.IPersistentVector [conds symbols]
(let [target (first conds)
target-name (first target)]
(if (= (count conds) 1)
(do ; Target fact
[[(vec (rest target))] {:target-fact [target-name (count (rest target))]}])
; Continuation
(let [[func meta] (generate-rule-func (first conds) (rest conds) symbols)
key (second target)
params (vec (set/intersection symbols (symbols/symbols func)))
missing (set/difference (symbols/symbols key) symbols)
meta {:continuation (with-meta `(fn [[~'$key$ ~@params]] ~func) meta)}]
(when-not (empty? missing)
(permacode.core/error "variables " missing " are unbound in the key for " (first target)))
[`[[~key ~@params]] meta]))))
; guard
(defmethod process-conds clojure.lang.ISeq [conds symbols]
(let [cond (first conds)
[body meta] (process-conds (rest conds) (propagate-symbols cond symbols))
body (seq (concat cond [body]))
meta (if (string/starts-with? (str (first cond)) "by")
(assoc meta :checked true)
(if (= (first cond) 'for)
[`(apply concat ~body) meta]
; else
[body meta])))
(defn generate-rule-func [source-fact conds ext-symbols]
(let [symbols (set/difference (symbols/symbols (rest source-fact)) ext-symbols)
[body meta] (process-conds conds (set/union symbols ext-symbols))
meta (merge meta {:source-fact [(first source-fact) (count (rest source-fact))]})
vars (vec symbols)
func `(fn [~'$input$]
~(if (empty? vars)
; No unbound variables
`(if (= ~'$input$ [~@(rest source-fact)])
; vars contains the unbound variables
`(let [~'$poss$ ((unify/unify-fn ~vars [~@(rest source-fact)] ~vars) ~'$input$)]
(apply concat (for [~vars ~'$poss$]
[func meta]))
(defn validate-rule [metadata]
(loop [metadata metadata
link 0]
(when-not (:checked metadata)
(permacode.core/error "Rule is insecure. Link " link " is not checked."))
(when (:continuation metadata)
(recur (-> metadata :continuation meta) (inc link)))))
(defmacro defrule [rulename args source-fact & body]
(let [conds (concat body [`[~(keyword (str *ns*) (name rulename)) ~@args]])
[func meta] (generate-rule-func source-fact conds #{})]
(validate-rule meta)
`(def ~rulename (with-meta ~func ~(merge meta {:ns *ns* :name (str rulename)})))))
(defn append-to-keyword [keywd suffix]
(keyword (namespace keywd) (str (name keywd) suffix)))
(defmacro defclause [clausename pred args-in args-out & body]
(let [source-fact `[~(append-to-keyword pred "?") ~'$unique$ ~@args-in]
conds (concat body [`[~(append-to-keyword pred "!") ~'$unique$ ~@args-out]])
[func meta] (generate-rule-func source-fact conds #{})]
`(def ~clausename (with-meta ~func ~(merge meta {:ns *ns* :name (str clausename)})))))
(defn with* [seq]
(apply merge-with set/union
(for [fact seq]
(let [fact-name (first fact)
metadata (meta fact)
arity (-> fact rest count)]
{[fact-name arity] #{(with-meta (vec (rest fact)) metadata)}}))))
(defn simulate* [rule factmap]
(let [source-fact (-> rule meta :source-fact)
input-set (factmap source-fact)
after-first (into #{} (apply concat (map rule input-set)))
cont (-> rule meta :continuation)]
(if cont
(let [next-rules (map cont after-first)]
(into #{} (apply concat (for [next-rule next-rules]
(simulate* (with-meta next-rule (meta cont)) factmap)))))
(defn simulate-with [rule & facts]
(simulate* rule (with* facts)))
(defmulti fact-table (fn [[name arity]] (class name)))
(defmethod fact-table clojure.lang.Named [[name arity]]
(str (namespace name) "/" (clojure.core/name name)))
(defmethod fact-table clojure.lang.IFn [[name arity]]
(let [ns (-> name meta :ns)
name (-> name meta :name)]
(str ns "/" name)))
(prefer-method fact-table clojure.lang.Named clojure.lang.IFn)
(defmacro by [set body]
`(when (contains? (-> ~'$input$ meta :writers) ~set)
(defmacro by-anyone [body]
We do not allow pure code to throw
, because throwing exceptions involves creating Java classes. Instead, we provide the error
function, which throws an Exception
with the given string.
(error 1000 " bottles of beer on the wall") => (throws #"1000 bottles of beer")
At the end, all we want is to be able to take a certain definition and evaluate it. For example, consider the following Permacode module:
(def my-module
'[(ns example.my-module
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
(defn tokenize [text]
(str/split text #"[ ,.!?:]+")))])
(def my-other-module
'[(ns example.my-other-module
(:require [perm.QmXGe3DdhRGKfLgs1Dp9sNa2VFktfqj32XicKRcUeLXMxG :as mine]
(defn extract-hashtags [text]
(->> text mine/tokenize (filter (fn [x] (clojure.string/starts-with? x "#")))))
(def foo (with-meta [2] {:some :meta})))])
Let's save these to files.
(def example-dir (io/file "/tmp/permacode.core/example"))
(.mkdirs example-dir)
(with-open [f (io/writer (io/file example-dir "my_module.clj"))]
(doseq [expr my-module]
(.write f (pr-str expr))))
(with-open [f (io/writer (io/file example-dir "my_other_module.clj"))]
(doseq [expr my-other-module]
(.write f (pr-str expr))))
Now let's publish the example
(remove-ns 'perm.QmXGe3DdhRGKfLgs1Dp9sNa2VFktfqj32XicKRcUeLXMxG)
(remove-ns 'perm.QmVxcd8ooha7JtZvh5AD3QhAiLMm7Zjm5YAqkXitVbVSfo)
(def hasher (hasher/nippy-multi-hasher (hasher/atom-store)))
(def published
(publish/hash-all hasher example-dir))
published => map?
published =not=> empty?
Now we want to use the extrat-hashtags
function. To do so we use eval-symbol
(published 'example.my-module) => 'perm.QmXGe3DdhRGKfLgs1Dp9sNa2VFktfqj32XicKRcUeLXMxG
(published 'example.my-other-module) => 'perm.QmVxcd8ooha7JtZvh5AD3QhAiLMm7Zjm5YAqkXitVbVSfo
(binding [validate/*hasher* hasher]
(let [extract-hashtags (eval-symbol 'perm.QmVxcd8ooha7JtZvh5AD3QhAiLMm7Zjm5YAqkXitVbVSfo/extract-hashtags)]
(extract-hashtags "These #days #tweets are all about #hashtags...") => ["#days" "#tweets" "#hashtags"]))
Metadata is maintained (the actual value is returned, not a variable pointing to it).
(binding [validate/*hasher* hasher]
(let [foo (eval-symbol 'perm.QmVxcd8ooha7JtZvh5AD3QhAiLMm7Zjm5YAqkXitVbVSfo/foo)]
(-> foo meta :some) => :meta))
(similar to ns-publics
in clojure.core
) returns all the public definitions in a permacode module in form of a map.
(binding [validate/*hasher* hasher]
(let [pubs (module-publics 'perm.QmVxcd8ooha7JtZvh5AD3QhAiLMm7Zjm5YAqkXitVbVSfo)]
pubs => map?
(pubs 'foo) => [2]))